The slogan going around those days was:"Beautify America, Get A Haircut." That slogan/bumper sticker came and went! These "wild-n-crazy" guys lived by, the never old saying: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Leonard always knew how to have a good time by giving a "putt" to the chicks. Leonard is here with a cousin riding on "little bro's" 76flh...All Smiles!...all the way.
Leonard once owned an early model Harley "shovel-head" chopper.
leonard had "it all going on" with that chopper in looks and style (on a budget). No doubt "old skool" and way, way forward with the envision of a chopper or bobber. Pullback handlebars, bobbed rear fender, "slab" side engine lower case. The pure essence of simple style....LEONARD HAD THE TOUCH! and "touched" us all.
Leonard's favorite outside "party favor" was to light up the old discarded christmas tree laying in the back yard. Leonard did this "favor" for the party goers at his b-day party in Tommy's back yard.
Leonard would have liked you to drop in for a visit and a good time. A place and a state of mind where you could always "Be Yourself", kick-back and enjoy the roller-coaster ride. Please leave a comment or two or some ramblings about your "brush with fame" with Leonard. Leonard had many (too many to count) friends and he is well missed but will never be forgotten.
updates to follow.
If you have...any photos of Leonard...any stories (text) of Leonard...any urban or rural legends of share, please send them to: You will be given full credit for any information. thank you and enjoy